MRI Casino Marketing Blog
Does Your Casino Have A Good Backline?

Does Your Casino Have A Good Backline*?
It’s extremely valuable to have a marketing agency that can provide you guidance and support when dealing with challenges of increasing wallet share in a competitive market. Simply put, an agency can be a partner in the truest sense of the word.
To paraphrase the transcendent Tom Joad -- something the great Mr. Springsteen knows a thing or two about -- if you need an a la carte solution like CRM or creative, we’ll be there. If you want to leverage our vast experience in the casino industry, we’ll be there, too. We fill in the gaps of your casino operations, connecting the different operational disciplines to see how they sync to make meaningful, impactful recommendations.
To that point, a tagline we occasionally use, Amplify Performance, perhaps best captures what I mean, our je ne sais quoi if I could speak a lick of French. No, it’s not your prototypical tagline that packs a concise haymaker with a short phrase. However, I look at that simple little phrase through a different lens than others might, appreciating those ill-defined edges as emblematic for what we are all about.
The Inevitable Music Analogy
That train of thought reminded me of a show I watched on, you guessed it, musicians. On a recent episode of Rock & Roll Road Trip with Sammy Hagar on AXS TV, the ever-buoyant and charismatic host of the show, the talented Mr. Hagar, was chumming it up with his old friend Michael Anthony.
Most people, of course, remember Michael Anthony from his Van Halen days, adding the basslines called for while Eddie and either Diamond Dave or Sammy soaked in the spotlight. But if you think about the Van Halen sound, whatever iteration of the band you prefer, there’s a unique, unmistakable quality to it that is essential to their amazing catalog and equivalent to Eddie’s wizardry on the guitar in my opinion.
Besides representing half of one of the most underrated rhythm sections in rock history, Michael Anthony’s backing vocals were always the absolute perfect accompaniment to the vocal gymnastics of both Dave and Sammy. Michael filled in the gaps by providing harmony and consistency, going places the lead singer could not to flesh out the sound and make it, well, Van Halen.
But a big part of the allure to Michael Anthony, besides his talent, is his preference to just stay in the background. He was never the one in the spotlight doing karate kicks in flashy spandex while wielding a samurai sword. No, Michael Anthony stayed off to the right side of the stage and used his talents to contribute to the Van Halen sound. That’s why I appreciate his type of rockstar and, to bring this full circle, where I see parallels between his role in one of the greatest bands ever and what we do for casinos here at Marketing Results.
Amplified Performance
Every casino needs a Michael Anthony if it wants to reach the metaphorical Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame, and that’s where we thrive. We amplify your performance, take what you do and plug it into a Marshall stack -- the king of rock backlines -- to make your marketing operations more streamlined, engaging, and effective. We stand in the background, filling the gaps, and look for places where we can add value.
That’s not to say, however, that our process is terribly complicated or elaborate. In fact, what we do is relatively simple, at least from an outsider’s perspective. It starts by getting to know you, discussing where you are and where you want to be. From there, we roll up our sleeves and research solutions, exploring both your market and the competition.
Furthermore, through discussions with your casino team, we go through a thorough SWOT analysis, identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. That forms the basis of our process, giving us the best and quickest chance of getting positive results for your bottom line. Once complete, we take those insights to form an action plan, and then turn it up to 11. Along the way, our creative team designs layouts, visuals, and anything else to make your brand and message rise above the rest, a process I can speak about for hours without ever growing tired. Yes, I love what I do.
Anyway, sounds pretty straightforward, right? Well, on paper, it actually is. In practice, however, it takes skill, patience, and perseverance, all traits we just happen to revel in. We want you in the spotlight and are perfectly content being the most effective backline in the marketplace. Let Marketing Results amplify your performance, and together, we’ll make something truly remarkable.
* The term backline is used in popular music and sound reinforcement system contexts to refer to electronic audio amplification equipment and speaker enclosures that are placed behind the band or the rhythm section on stage, including amplifiers and speaker cabinets for guitars, bass guitars and keyboards.
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